
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 25th April 2016

John Cooper, Simon Richards (Nik-Nak), Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Decided to work the bottom shaft. With John at the bottom filling buckets, Nik-Nak hauling, Jude filling drag bucket and Adrian stacking at the bottom of Four-Tonne Shaft we cleared loads before Adrian called time after an hour. Quite a bit of hammering required to create spoil now. When John switched from digging the calcited end to the loose end a draught started up, confirmed by Nik-Nak at the end when he checked. Measured final shaft at 11.4m before we started this evening. 2 hours. John.

John Cooper, NikNak, Jude & Myself. Digging at the bottom due to lack of people. No idea of how many buckets we shifted, but it was quite a lot. At the end of the session NikNak went down the bottom and dug a bit and detected a draught coming out of the bottom. Adrian.

Monday 18th April 2016

James Collings, John Cooper, Tony Seddon, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. With Adrian filling, John in the middle, Tony at the top, Jude in The Pit and James at the very top we hauled 42 loads up Four-Tonne Shaft. Fresh air tonight. 1½ hours. John.

James, John, Tony, Jude, Myself. 42 buckets hauled up 4 ton shaft. I had a quick look at the bottom. Still more spoil to clear but the floor of the dig doesn’t look like it will need further bang at present. Adrian.