
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 26th November 2018

John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Mike Kousiounis, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. Took in another bag of sand and a long crowbar. Adrian went to the bottom with a mix of cement which he used along the left hand side. The rest of us hauled 70 loads up Four-Tonne shaft, unfortunately only as far as The Pit. Only a very small amount of gravel left. 2½ hours.

Monday 19th November 2018

John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. Adrian at the bottom capping boulders. The big one on the left wouldn’t break, it now looks like a Swiss cheese. With John filling, Wayne hauling and Pete stacking 42 loads were hauled up the bottom shaft. Pete and Wayne then swapped positions and another 9 were hauled up to clear the bottom. All that’s left now are building blocks. 2½ hours.

Monday 5th November 2018

John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Will Reed and Barry Weaver. With Pete filling, Barry on the ledge, John hauling and Will in The Pitt 42 good loads were hauled up Four-Tonne shaft to The Pitt. Pete had to be asked a couple of times to put a bit less in the tub. The Pitt was then emptied, initially we hauled to the very top but when spoil threatened to roll back into The Pit we changed to the main passage. There is still a bit left at the bottom of Four-Tonne shaft - not enough for a full session. 2¾ hours.