
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 16th December 2019

John Cooper and Wayne Starsmore. Took in 2 bags of sand. With just two of us tonight we added 4 mixes of cement to the Spiral Staircase. 1½ hours.

Monday 9th December 2019

John Cooper, Rob Harper, Pete Hellier, Tony Seddon, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. Took in 1 bag of cement and 1 bag of sand. In addition Wayne took in his camera on a pole, Adrian took in his capping kit and I took in hacksaw and file. One mix of cement taken to the bottom which Pete used building up the retaining left wall. Wayne poked his camera into any available hole and draught tested whilst Rob and Tony assisted where needed. Unfortunately Adrian couldn’t get at the boulder he was hoping to cap. Meanwhile John secured the deviation pulley in Four-Tonne Shaft before retreating to do one mix of cement and add more wall to The Spiral Staircase. Before exit we indulged in mulled wine and mince pies taken in by Tony. 2½ hours.

Monday 2nd December 2019

John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Will Reed and Adrian Vanderplank. Took in 2 bags of sand. John took in his Bosch drill and Nigel’s new deviation pulley for Four-Tonne Shaft. Part job done but requires hacksaw and file in an attempt to make it fit. Meanwhile one mix of cement taken to bottom where Pete and Adrian built up retaining left wall while Will dug boulders out of the floor. 2¼ hours.

Monday 25th November 2019

Tom Chapman, John Cooper and Wayne Starsmore. Took in 2 bags of sand. John and Wayne took 1 mix to the bottom to continue building up the left hand wall. After Tom had a look at the dig face he inserted a couple of hangers at the top of the bottom shaft for those that wished to SRT it. 1½ hours.