
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 28th October 2019

John Cooper, Rob Harper, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. Took in a bag of cement. The spoil in Spider Hole is amazingly fecund. From the 42 loads we had left at the bottom of Four-Tonne Shaft last week we managed to get 56 loads which were left in The Pit. 2 hours.

Monday 21st October 2019

John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Mike Kousiounis, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. Took in 2 bags of sand then worked the bottom shaft. With Wayne at the face, Pete loading, Mike hauling, John transferring and Adrian stacking at the bottom of Four-Tonne Shaft 42 loads were hauled up. Not quite so drippy tonight. 2¼ hours.

Monday 14th October 2019

John Cooper, Rob Harper, Pete Hellier, Tony Seddon, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. Started by clearing The Pit. The spoil nicely filled in behind the walls built last Thursday. Then down to the bottom tunnel. Built up a nice stack of spoil ready to haul up the bottom shaft next time. Some discussion on whether to go along or down at the end. Will wait for cold weather and do a smoke test ie in a month’s time when we have cleared the current spoil. 2¼ hours.