
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 31st October 2016

James Collings, John Cooper, Mike Kousiounis and Adrian Vanderplank. Adrian stacking at the bottom of Four-Tonne shaft. James had a go at the bottom first then John took over. One of the boulders in the floor destroyed but the other needs something stronger. 43 loads hauled out. 2 hours. John.

John Cooper, Mike K, James Collings & Myself. More digging at the bottom with 43 buckets removed. The bottom is narrowing and will (need) some bang. The outlook at present is either encouraging or really depressing. Has the dig bottomed out and is nearly dead or is this the constriction with the hole below it!!! Adrian.

Monday 24th October 2016

James Collings, John Cooper, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. A slow leisurely session. Adrian went to the bottom to have a look and left James there when he came up to join Jude and John stacked the spoil. When Jude was wet enough, after 13 loads, she swapped with John for a while. Then James had had enough so swapped with John. A total of 25 loads moved from bottom to bottom of Four-Tonne Shaft. 2 hours. John.

John Cooper, James Collings, Jude & Myself. 25 buckets up from the very bottom. Adrian.