
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 31st July 2017

John Cooper, Simon Richards (Nik Nak) and Barry Weaver. Nik Nak brought along a rocket tube of cement. We did 3 mixes of mortar, 2 for the lower part of the upper wall and 1 for the lower wall. There is no cement and only 1 bag of sand left in the cave. Checked the new pulley wheel that Nigel has made but it is completely the wrong size. 1½ hours.

Monday 24th July 2017

Duncan Atkinson, John Cooper, Will Reed, Simon Richards (Nik Nak), Tony Seddon, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Hauled 42 loads up Four Tonne Shaft whilst Adrian built up the top wall. Will reckons another 20 loads to go. 2¼ hours. John.

John Cooper, Tony Seddon, Duncan, Will, Jude, NikNak & Myself. 42 buckets of spoil hauled up 4 tonne shaft. About 20 buckets of spoil left to haul up. 1 bucket of cement mixed and the top wall was built up, but all the other walls need raising.