
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 25th February 2019

Andrew Atkinson, John Cooper, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. Two bags of sand and a bag of cement taken in. Whilst John helped Andrew survey the bottom shaft Adrian and Wayne worked on the Spiral Staircase. 2 hours.

Monday 18th February 2019

John Cooper, Mark Easterling (Bean), Pete Hellier, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank. With Adrian filling, Wayne on the ledge, John hauling and Bean above transferring to Pete to empty in The Pit 41 loads were hauled up Four-Tonne Shaft to leave the bottom clear. Whilst Bean went to the bottom to have a look the rest of us cleared out The Pit. 2 hours.

Monday 11th February 2019

John Cooper, Will Reed, Tony Seddon, Wayne Starsmore and Adrian Vanderplank.
With John in the bottom tunnel, Adrian loading, Will and Tony hauling and Wayne stacking 42 loads were hauled up the bottom shaft before spoil ran low. Nice draught coming out of the end (-2°C on the surface). 2 hours.