
Spider Hole November 2021

Saturday 20/12/2014

Pete, Nigel & Myself. With the bottom of the shaft now totally empty with massive effort from ourselves and the Thursday team it was time to continue digging at the bottom again. Three hours of clatch hauling then commenced with at least 30+ buckets hauled to the bottom of Four Tonne Shaft. When I managed to get a look at the bottom it looked like we had cleared the majority of clatch out and were getting into larger rocks. No discernible draught was detected and the North end is the more promising of the two ends. Good session but with no sign of a breakthrough soon. Adrian.

NB The reference to the "Thursday Team". As well as the regular Saturday/Monday team there was a "clearing" team moving spoil upwards on a Thursday evening. However there doesn't appear to be any written record of their work. John.