Pete, Nigel, Rich M & Myself. Turned up late
to the party. 2 metres of 5gm 2 metres 40gm. Bang! Adrian.
Pete, Nigel, Rich M & Myself. Turned up late
to the party. 2 metres of 5gm 2 metres 40gm. Bang! Adrian.
Pete, Jude & Myself. One bucket of
cement to the bottom. Pete continued to build up the wall on the North side. I
then continued digging clatch and small rock from around three bigger stalled
in boulders. These will need chemical persuasion on Saturday. Dig not
looking good at the present. Adrian.
Nigel, Pete & Myself. Two buckets of
cement, with some walling done on the North side. A small amount of clatch
hauled out but no rock due to the wall being built on top, will have to wait
until Monday to haul out some more rock. Nigel to the bottom! Bottom shaft
measured at 8.3m. Adrian.