Nick Butler, John Cooper, Pete Hann, Mike Kousiounis, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Afternoon session with Pete building wall above Pit. Jude filling, John on ledge, Mike hauling, Nick in Pit and Adrian at top hauling 42 loads were brought up Four-Tonne Shaft. Nick had a quick look at the bottom before we came out. 2½ hours. John.
Cooper, Mike Kushy, Nick Butler, Pete Hann , Jude & Myself. An afternoon
session taking two bags of sand down to start building some more stacking
space. Pete was wall
building, I was hauling at the top, Jude & John were in their usual positions.
Mike was at the top of the shaft and Nick was in the pit. 42 buckets
hauled, with a lot more spoil still down there. Adrian.