
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 23rd October 2017

John Cooper, Adrian Vanderplank, Jude Vanderplank and Barry Weaver. Left Barry and Jude mixing cement and building walls at the top of Four-Tonne Shaft whilst John and Adrian drilled and banged a very wet bottom. Three holes on right and two on left. 2½ hours. John.

John Cooper, Barry Weaver, Jude & Myself. JC & Myself to the bottom with drill, bits etc. Very damp. 6 holes drilled and loaded with an assortment of 40gm, & 20gm, Because the holes were wet the drill made hard work of it. Some holes broke through into gaps as the R/H side seems to becoming more fractured but we managed to get it sorted. Fired & retired. Jude & Barry added to a wall at the top so there is more dumping space. Adrian.