John Cooper, Adrian Vanderplank, Jude Vanderplank and Barry Weaver. Left Barry and Jude mixing cement and building walls at the top of Four-Tonne Shaft whilst John and Adrian drilled and banged a very wet bottom. Three holes on right and two on left. 2½ hours. John.
Cooper, Barry Weaver, Jude & Myself. JC & Myself
to the bottom with drill, bits etc. Very damp. 6 holes drilled and loaded with
an assortment of 40gm, & 20gm, Because the holes were wet the drill made
hard work of it. Some holes broke through into gaps as the R/H side seems to
becoming more fractured but we managed to get it sorted. Fired & retired. Jude &
Barry added to a wall at the top so there is more dumping space. Adrian.