
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 29th October 2018

John Cooper, Will Reed, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank, Jude Vanderplank and Barry Weaver. Adrian & Jude arrived early and took in a bag of sand and a new hammer (John took in a new hammer as well). The rest of us caught them up as they were finishing mixing up a load of cement which was taken to the bottom. Adrian and Jude used this walling in the bottom tunnel whilst the rest of us hauled 47 loads up the bottom shaft. 2½ hours.

Monday 22nd October 2018

John Cooper, Pete Hellier and Wayne Starsmore. Depleted team tonight. Wayne took in a 5L container of water and a 1L fitted with washing up bottle top to use in cleaning off the dust on the via ferrata. He had to do a couple of trips down and up Nut pitch to collect more water but it is really clean now. Meanwhile Pete and John were at the bottom digging out the floor to give more room in the bottom tunnel. John broke a hammer, good job there was a second one. Brought the broken one out as a present for Adrian. Pete had a look at the end before coming out. Not too drippy tonight. 2¼ hours.

Monday 15th October 2018

James Collings, John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Tony Seddon, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank and Barry Weaver. A good strong team this evening saw a bag of cement taken in then, Tony having had a look at the dig face, 50 loads were hauled up Four-Tonne Shaft. Very drippy this evening. Tony reported the bottom tunnel was not drippy but had a small stream leading onwards. Adrian freed the maillon holding the bottom hauling pulley so DO NOT USE until the pulley is replaced. 2¼ hours.