John Cooper, Graham Price, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude
Vanderplank. Graham had arranged with Paul Ballantyne, the Caves Manager for
Longleat Estate, that we could have access for the purpose of recovering perishable
tackle from the cave. We had expected Paul to accompany us but when we met at
10am he said he would not. It was Graham’s first time down and I think he was
suitably impressed. At the bottom both Graham and Adrian took photographs then John
and Jude updated the survey data. Digging tools (long and short crowbars,
hammers etc) were moved on out to the surface in stages. All the SRT ropes were
removed as were the ladders. The hauling ropes were left in place. The cement
tub was emptied of gone-off cement and also brought out for cleaning. The
hauling rope normally left just below the gate was left at the top of Nut
Pitch. It was quite drippy today. Wayne took photographs of the various hangers
for the record. Several bats and lots of bat poo. Not sure when we will be
allowed back in but don’t hold your breath. 2¾ hours. John.

Spider Hole November 2021