John Cooper, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. With Jude filling and Adrian emptying we hauled spoil up the bottom shaft for about an hour. Everyone looked at the bottom which looks interesting. 2 hours. John.
28/08/2017 John
Cooper, Ade & Jude Vanderplank. Last week’s
bang had been very effective, possibly a bit too effective, producing gravel
and not much rock (Murray would have been proud). It’s hard not
to use the usual cliché like interesting without justifying it. The South wall had
a few months ago produced a staled rift which seemed to be sloping towards us
and the shaft. The North, having had a few metres of loose rock now has a stal
floor sloping towards us(?) and the shaft. Below the shaft
is narrow but has loosely jammed boulders in it and there is an undercut on the
East(?) wall about 500mm down. Not super big but it is an undercut. An hour’s worth
of hauling done from the bottom followed by a good poke around at the end. Quite a bit of
cementing needs to be done, it will also give us a bit of room to back fill. Adrian.
Sketch by Adrian Vanderplank. |