
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 20th May 2019

Tom Chapman, Clair Cohen, John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Mike Kousiounis, Sarah Payne, Will Reed, Tony Seddon, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Adrian and Tom went to the bottom and capped the current obstruction. The rest of us cleared 32 loads of spoil from the bottom of Four-Tonne Shaft depositing it at The Spiral Staircase. Order was Jude (loading), Will, Sarah (on ledge), Mike, Tony, Pete (in Pit), John, Wayne, Claire. Once the spoil was cleared some moved on down to the bottom tunnel to move spoil along to the base of the bottom shaft, burying the end of Jude’s SRT rope in the process! However the dig is putting up a valiant fight and stronger measures than capping are called for. 2½ - 3½ hours.