
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 8th July 2019

John Cooper, Mark Easterling (Bean), Mike Kousiounis, Will Reed, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. With Will loading at the bottom of Four-Tonne Shaft it was cleared in 9 loads (my estimate had been 10+ so that indicates the weight we were hauling!). Will, Bean and Mike then moved down to the bottom tunnel whilst Jude went out. That left John and Wayne hauling and Adrian stacking. The loads didn’t get any lighter! When the diggers at the bottom asked how many loads were left to reach the target of 42 we discovered Adrian had not been counting so it was deemed to be at 30. We continued to 42 before calling an end. Still a couple more sessions hauling in the bottom shaft to remove what is stacked up waiting. Also there’s at least 42 loads at the bottom of Four-Tonne shaft for next Monday. 2½ hours.