John Cooper, Simon Richards (Nik-Nak), Tony Seddon, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. The SRT rope was re-installed as it had been removed for washing so a bit late starting to haul. With Jude filling, John on the ledge, Tony hauling, Nik Nak in pit and Adrian stacking we hauled 33 loads up Four-Tonne shaft before we ran out of spoil. 1 ¾ hours. John.
Seddon, NikNak, James, John C, Jude & myself. Only 36 buckets
of spoil, none left at the bottom. John forgot to include the “step” in his
calculations! Strong draught
in the entrance shaft and 4 tonne shaft. Temp 15°C. Wind Still to
light. One mouse
rescued from the bottom of the entrance shaft (bit dopey). Adrian.