
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 30th July 2018

John Cooper, Robert Thomas, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank, and Barry Weaver. Working the bottom shaft again tonight. Arrived to find Adrian already capping at the bottom. John joined him to break up the bigger rocks and load. Robert hauling at the top of the bottom shaft, Barry transferring and Wayne stacking at the bottom of Four-Tonne shaft. 50 loads (lighter ones) hauled up. Some spoil left for use in walling the left hand side. 2¼+ hours.

Thursday 26th July 2018

am. John Cooper. Installed 10 steps before running out of epoxy resin. 2 hours

pm. Installed last 8 steps. The wall needs the rock dust washing off it as it makes it slippery and looks messy. Need to consider whether a rope for cows-tails needed attaching to steps. The ladder was removed and on examination found to have corrosion in 2 places, both at the bottom where it was resting on the floor. 1¼ hours.

Wednesday 25th July 2018

John Cooper. Completed drilling 20mm holes. Drilled 1 in the wrong place so will need to fill it. Also 1 in a sub-optimal band of rock. 2¼ hours.

Tuesday 24th July 2018

John Cooper. Started work on converting Hazel Pitch into a via ferrata. Drilled marker holes, 5.5mm at suitable locations and spacing. Then drilled 20mm holes stating at the bottom. Allowed for an overlap with a sideways move about halfway up. Still more drilling required. 4 hours.