
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 16th July 2018

John Cooper, Will Reed, Simon Richards (Nik Nak), Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank, Jude Vanderplank and Barry Weaver. Adrian and Jude arrived early and started capping boulders to create spoil ready for the rest of us. With Will and Barry hauling up the bottom shaft, Wayne started stacking at the bottom of Four-Tonne Shaft. John was on my way back up to do cementing at the top when Nik Nak arrived and suggested we hauled up Four-Tonne as well. So we hauled 46 loads up to The Pit and then after that up to the very top. Some of the boulders were rather heavy. It was fewer loads when hauled up the bottom shaft, 39 John think but might have been fewer. Adrian says the bottom looks interesting again. 2½ hours.