
Spider Hole November 2021

Monday 29th April 2019

Maxine Bateman, John Cooper, Pete Hellier, Will Reed, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. New rope taken in for hauling on Four-Tonne Shaft but it proved to be a bit short. With Jude filling, Wayne on the ledge, Maxine and Pete hauling, Will in The Pit and Adrian and John top hauling and emptying onto the Spiral Staircase 42 loads were hauled up Four-Tonne Shaft. At least 10 loads still to come up Four-Tonne shaft according to Jude. 2¼ hours.

Monday 22nd April 2019

John Cooper, Mike Kousiounis, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Started an hour early being a Bank Holiday weekend. Dead bat found in entrance crawl. First task was to re-install the ladder on the bottom part of Nut pitch. Once done we emptied The Pit. Jude filled, Mike and John hauled and Adrian carried the spoil up to the Spiral Staircase. Mike then left and two mixes of cement were used up constructing more of the Staircase. 1¾ hours.

Monday 15th April 2019

John Cooper, Tony Seddon, Will Reed, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. First task was to install a new ladder on the top part of Nut pitch. It is 4mm wire, built in spreader of 400mm, 7.2m total length with 28 rungs. The old one removed last week was not in a fit state for re-use. Then the karabiner used as a pulley at the top of the main drop on Four-Tonne shaft was replaced as the old one was rather worn! Thanks to Tony for this. Then with Adrian loading, John on the ledge, Will and Tony hauling and Jude in The Pit 50 loads were hauled up Four-Tonne shaft and dumped in The Pit for future upwards movement. Adrian reckons at least the same again left at the bottom of Four-Tonne shaft. Finally the ladders on the bottom part of Nut pitch were removed for cleaning and inspection. 2¼ hours.