
Spider Hole November 2021
Monday 8th April 2019
Tom Chapman, John Cooper, Mark Easterling
(Bean), Pete Hellier, Will Reed and Wayne Starsmore. Initial task was to fix the
bottom drag tray properly. The rope that was attached to the handle was cut in
half and rearranged so that it was fixed independently to both ends of the drag
tray. This ensures the tray runs smoothly without running over the rope. Then with
Pete at the dig face, Tom and Bean taking it in turns to break up rocks and see
who could fill the buckets the fullest, Will and John hauling and Wayne
stacking at the bottom of Four-Tonne shaft 42 loads were hauled up the bottom
shaft. There is still a lot of small stuff at the dig face but no space at the
bottom of Four-Tonne shaft. The top ladder of Nut Pitch was brought out for
checking and cleaning. Notice also brought out. 2½ hours.